Lynri Lycoriss

Welcome and well met, fellow traveller. I hope you find what you look for in this page."To a place that isn't on any map. A place no one knows about. A place none had laid eyes upon."

Once, she had her most important jewel, her symbol of the morning sun and hope. She ran away cowardly when darkness gloomed and the jewel became overbearing, with her heart mourned and scarred her love in the process. Now, every morning when she woke up and looked at the window, she uttered a prayer. A hope, that the sun shines brighter than ever, eventhough the moon cannot witness it, or be at her side anymore.

  • IC is not OOC

  • Fine with most roleplay. Casual, Mature, Dark. Loves slice-of-life. Please discuss with me first if you want to engage in more dark-related themes

  • WU/T welcome ♥ usually I tab out from FFXIV, so please send a tell if you want to get my attention

  • Prefer story-driven RP, open to ideas and discussion

  • 21+ for I.C and OOC

  • Basic human decency, be respectful

Ignis Spiritus Morte


"If you ever tired of this world, I will help you find peace."-Age:
- Physical: 33 summers
- Actual: 857 winters
-Sex: Female
-Height: 151cm
-Race: Au Ra, Raen
-Aether: Dark like voidsent but covered by Astral aspected-aether
-Relationship-status: Married


After being trapped in the interdimension rift due to her death from the curse she had as a child, her past lover found her and convinced her to back to the mortal world. Confused and curious, she took the offering hand and a bond between them formed, made them inseparable as they both fed and depend on each other for their survivability. One may say it is a cursed pact, or one being under a thrall but she doesn't seem to pay them any care. Some old friends reject her, some tolerate her existence, as she now walks and leaves trail of blood whenever she goes with her lovely wife. Then again, does she truly back to life? Or is she just a spirit, a figment of one's imagination that lives amongst many that encounter her? A mystery.At present, instead of spear, she sports a scythe from astral aether to reap and harvest souls. While she still retain her basic skills as dragoon, she cannot use blood of the dragon anymore. Instead, whenever she uses spear, she imbues it with void energy, makes it glows a deep purple aether and dangerous.


If before she was quiet and shy, now she even quieter than before. Still a solitary auri, she now has little tolerance towards people as she now often being hunted and broken trust from many things in the past. She usually finds she can be more of herself in the presence of her wife and her close friend. She got influence from her avatar and now seems to be more ruthless towards killing and taking another's life, as she needs it to survive.


- Lynri is a reaper, means she has a voidsent bounded to her as her avatar. Eventhough by some alteration of their contract, said voidsent can roam freely it seems. Maybe you ever meet her or her wife?
- She still interested in others' adventure story
- She offered a death service to those in need (mostly for those who wants to reroll their characters/death due to old age/other reason.) [WIP]
- Red panda and dodo

The Lost Traveller


-Age: Late 20 summers
-Sex: Female
-Height: 151cm
-Race: Raen (eventhough she often /forget/ she is Auri)
-Occupation: Traveller
-Relationship-status: Not Available


With a small stature and child-like face, often people mistake Lynri far younger than she actually is.Blue right eye, and bright crimson left eye sparks between her dark green hair that she keep short, enhanced by a spectacles sometime. Lynri have red butterfly mark on her left cheek, that dissipate and change to purple vein-like on her face. After learning more about aether and growing more capable, her right eye turns to more purple shade.Her battle 'gear' is a long crimson coat, but she only wear it when she picked up her spear. On the field Lynri wears a brown-yellow overcoat, complete with shawl and cap. Lynri blessed by a spirit of Byakko in the form of kamuy, a Kami that worshipped at her born land. She can be seen flying with it, if not riding her ceruleum-fueled battlebike. Usually a red panda can be seen on her shoulder.


Lynri is a solitary auri, have quiet and shy demeanor. She prefer to observe the things happening around her. She talks a lot when she warmed up to someone, but she will need some time alone to recharge if she meets too much people. Lynri mostly travel with her beloved red panda, or dodo, or both, so she can be socially awkward near other people due to lack of interaction.Lynri always seems spacing out, can sleep anywhere if she feels it's safe and comfortable enough. She can breath underwater, can not read map, and easily lost. Lynri is not really fluent with common tongue. She has serious personality and always mean what she says (albeit with poor choice of words). She assumes people do the same, which often makes her misunderstand people, being misunderstood, or be disappointed. Lynri is loving and loyal to a fault once she devotes to someone, giving her all despite the consequences that can comes with it.
She can be very salty person depending on the topic.


As traveller, Lynri excited for new places, new stuff, new people and listen to their stories. But in particular she always eager to explore new dungeon and defeat challenging enemies. Not much known about her childhood, as she never shared but to one. apparently she is an unreliable narrator of this, not out of malice, just too young to understand. Usually Lynri will avoid too crowded venue, except if there is company with her. As a mean to stay alive, Lynri trade within big city, mainly Ul'dah, Gridania, and Kugane. Lynri never stay in one place for too long, but maybe because she is getting older, she tend to visit and stay at the place that she feel comfortable with for a long time.Her curiousity for interesting story lead her to hang out at adventurer guild, just stay there for hours watching people passed by and interact. She often help and pray together with Uyagir Tribe of the Steppe, making her a honorary member of said tribe. If you see Lynri spacing out somewhere (which is lots of time), just give her a poke!


- Lynri can breath underwater, specifically hot one.
- Usually seen with her chakram, she actually good with spear and can tap to dragon power that dwells inside her for combat.
- Words on the street said that you can find her sometimes somewhere in the vast grass land of Steppe, playing her flute for the elder gods, her ancestors, her past lovers, and souls that will come after her.
- She is interested in others' adventure story.
- Red panda and dodo.

Traveler's Note

[page X of Y]

[the following notes are more of a doodles, and not in a chronological order]

- yurt, dodo invasion, dojo, spa, clinic
- death of a dear friend
- beautiful, stern, strong angel, daughter of someone dear that already back to aetherial sea
- hunt of the voidsent, succubus
- fight-death seeker, yelling like madwoman, very kind xaela. Likes soft stuff and noodle. And dodo
- wedding at the ruby sea, cooking competition, dodo being cooked, miqo'te going wild
- hunt of mighty wyvern
- crazy, wild, sister-obsessed xaela. black magic? mind control? illussion? albino's past?
- spar with red, angel became coma for a while, lots of wounds
- lightning-filled, exile monk viera
- a date in the abandoned beautiful castle
- sadistic healer auri which is an auspice crow
- tumet boy who eventually becomes dotharl
- fighting and more fighting with Adarkhim
- magical moment in the Ruby Sea
- miqo'te with cannon and third-person way of talk
- another breakdown, visit to mind palace from the angel
- visited angel's mind palace
- interesting day at Kugane
- small place called home
- mushroom saute!!! Galmorra's cuisine?
- doman(?) male, many languages, journalist, kind manner
- white samurai-but-not samurai-male roe that have good singing voice
- raen lady who often fall asleep on the Lane, beautiful
- a conversation about buns? bakery? Crashing a fisherman's guild?

- hingan traditional spa gone
- clinic
- very sweet and loving albino xaela ♥
- therapy
- pirate-looking man who gives flower on frontdesk
- red-haired lady bartender with ponytail
- red-haired flirty miqo'te male
- wise roe man tarot reader
- tall thingy knight with a hawk
- yakuza lady boss with tattooes and blazing crimson eyes
- date at Kugane
- kind and empath vi'qote man
- kind silent shinobi trust
mudra? serpent dragon? ice?~
- confession at the cliff
- scary-looking Dotharl lady with wyvern?
- witness of fight aftermath at Dotharl Khaa > conflict with scary-look Dotharl > broke down at cookie store
- long time meditation and praying with Uyagir
- invited to a cave > make peace with the banshee xaela trust & respect ~
magick singing? drugs? very kind beneath?

- spar at Shirogane's beach
- cool black lion with knacks of mechanical items
- absinthe is bad
- blue mage performer
- dodo is a blue mage?
- a chase between Storm and a criminal aura at Ul'dah
- shepherd's pie recipe: dzo meat cooked and have a dim redness, brown near it's edges, stabbed, grinded. Piping hot popotoes, mashed. Shredded goat's cheese. put on pot on sizzling fire, close the lid 2 mins
- supporting a cause that involves tribal dispute
- a date at very cozy diner
- voidsent problem?
- help defend attack from Budugan
- normal raen ranger
- spar, voidsent fight trial?
- Guardian Star
- suddenly fighting with a voidsent
- a split(?)personality voidsent came to bakery
- havoc at the cave with axe swinging
red moon?
- [scribbled]
- pale shy lady lalafell healer
- very cute couple, auri that talks like sylph, and very smart + interesting miqo voidsent
- visit Reisen Temple
- have talk with two voidsent over the cliff
- fight red-hooded gang and confront Tanabe's matriarch
- fortune reading
- vulpine-fox lady miqo'te, with avatar
- serve at wedding beach party. Much fun!
- currently looking for missing albino xaela
- another heartfelt talk with the banshee
- still looking for the woodhead albino
- approached by Burly, being told of the situation
- journey to the first, fight sin eater, watch her beloved turned into one, watch her killed and reborn. tldr; wild.
- currently looking for her beloved fluffy companion
- twintails xaela with a daughter
- weird handsome catboy
- blonde famous hyurman who brings gunblade